08:00 AM Tuesday, 08:00 AM - 08:50 AM (0 hours 50 minutes) Spotlight Series: The Impact of AI Across the Lifecycle of the Payment Event In-person Track AI-Driven Innovations and Strategies Spotlight Sessions Matthew Hardy Strategy Executive, Global Payments & Compliance ADP, Inc. Refugio Lopez Vice President, Head of US Money Movement ADP, Inc. Sanchit Puri Product Head, ACH & Corporate Wires J.P. Morgan
09:05 AM Tuesday, 09:05 AM - 09:55 AM (0 hours 50 minutes) Spotlight Series: Making Payments Truly Safer Event In-person Track Practical Strategies Spotlight Sessions Ian Mitchell Founder and Board Chair, The Knoble Co-Founder, Mission Omega
11:00 AM Tuesday, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (0 hours 50 minutes) Spotlight Series: Regulator Perspectives: Third- Party Relationships and Risk Management Event In-person Track Compliance & Regulatory Spotlight Sessions Marsha Jones, NCP President Third Party Payment Processors Association Gene Klipin Lead Risk Management Specialist Supervision and Regulation, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Matthew Luzadder Managing Partner Chicago Office Kelley Drye & Warren LLP Shelli Pritchard, AAP Payment Risk Policy Analyst Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Gene Klipin Lead Risk Management Specialist Supervision and Regulation, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
02:00 PM Tuesday, 02:00 PM - 02:50 PM (0 hours 50 minutes) Spotlight Series: Building a Better Payments Journey Event In-person Track Practical Strategies Spotlight Sessions Matthew R. Friend Head of New Payment Rails Chase Steve Kenneally, AAP Senior Vice President, Payments American Bankers Association Margaret Weichert Chief Product Officer The Clearing House
03:55 PM Tuesday, 03:55 PM - 04:45 PM (0 hours 50 minutes) Spotlight Series: Ripped From the Headlines: Trending Payments News Event In-person Track ACH Spotlight Sessions Tara Edmonds, NCP SVP, Enterprise Payments Strategy Leader SouthState Bank Ivy Gupta Lead Product Counsel, Payments Plaid Inc. Bridget Hall Leader of Real-Time Payments, Americas ACI Worldwide Matthew Luzadder Managing Partner Chicago Office Kelley Drye & Warren LLP Sarah Stapp Chief Commercial Officer Aeropay Peter Tapling, APRP Managing Director PTap Advisory, LLC Tristan Thompson Chief Commercial Banking Services and Payments Officer Central Bank