Keynote Speakers

Smarter Faster Payments features notable keynote speakers who share their perspectives on the future of payments. Keynotes start on Monday, but the education starts on Sunday. Be in the front row and understand why our keynotes become the catalyst for new conversations and innovations in the payments industry.


Opening Keynote

 Scheele Keynote

Kyle Scheele

Becoming an Idea Factory: How to Turn Yourself Into an Innovation Machine

Monday, April 28 — 10:25 AM-11:25 AM

If there’s one belief that is holding you back from getting the most out of your team, it’s this one: some people are creative, and some people aren’t. That belief is based on outdated ideas about what creativity means, where it comes from, and who gets to harness it.

The truth is creativity is a skill like any other: it can be learned.

In the same way that we teach employees how to track expenses, process invoices, and jiggle the lock just right to get into the supply closet, we can teach them how to be more creative, how to have better ideas, and how to build a culture where innovation is a natural byproduct.

Kyle Scheele, the “Patron Saint of Crazy Ideas” will provide practical tips for how to get more (and better!) ideas out of yourself and your team, share 5 things that every idea needs and help you avoid common idea-killers in your organization.

Industry Focus

 Industry focus keynote1

Industry Focus: Fighting Fraud Across the Globe: What Can the U.S. Learn from Other Geos?

Monday, April 28 — 2:00-3:00 PM

This insightful panel discussion features executives from international payments associations across the globe. They explore what the U.S. can learn about fraud prevention and detection from other geographies. This session will delve into the innovative strategies and technologies employed globally to combat financial fraud, highlighting successful case studies and best practices from regions that have made significant strides in this area. The panelists will share their experiences and insights on how these approaches can be adapted and implemented within the U.S. financial sector to enhance its resilience against fraudulent activities. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the global landscape of financial fraud and leave with actionable ideas to strengthen their own organizations’ defenses.

Tuesday Luncheon Keynote

 Massimino Keynote

Mike Massimino

The Team's Success Is Your Success: You Cannot Do This Alone, You Will Succeed or Fail as a Team

Tuesday, April 29 — 12:00 PM-1:45 PM

An organization’s goals are only obtainable if everyone on the team works together. Individual accomplishments are needed, but the success of the team is most important. In our complex world, not everyone can be good at everything. But by pooling our abilities, we can be good at everything as a team. Mike conveys how he and his colleagues worked together with a culture of admitting mistakes and bringing forward concerns without worry of embarrassment or finger pointing. Providing help to teammates was not considered to be a burden, but rather a way to make the team stronger. When Mike broke a critical piece of equipment while repairing the Hubble Space Telescope during his final spacewalk, his team was there to help. Rather than blaming Mike, the ground control team and the astronauts in space worked together with him to come up with an innovative solution that saved the day and the mission. Although not every problem has an obvious solution, teamwork can help us with overcoming unforeseen challenges. Mike communicates to audiences how the NASA models for teamwork and leadership can be applied to the business world and in life. When you need help, reach out to your own “Mission Control Center,” and be “Mission Control” for others.

An astronaut, the first person to tweet from space, a recurring character on The Big Bang Theory, and now a New York Times bestselling author, Mike grew up a working-class kid whose seemingly unreachable dream of becoming an astronaut and flying in space was realized in an unlikely journey that was driven by determination and commitment and accomplished with hard work and humor. After two missions to the Hubble Telescope and four space walks to make critical repairs to the telescope, Mike is now a Columbia University professor, the Senior Space Advisor to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, an author, a television host, a frequent guest on morning shows, news programs, talk shows, and late night television, and an in-demand speaker for audiences seeking a unique perspective on teamwork, innovation, and leadership from a down to earth spaceman. 

Please note: Only full conference attendees may attend and must be seated by 12:30 PM to receive a meal.