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Two Years After Studco: The Evolving Rights and Obligations of RDFIs
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (0 hours 50 minutes)
Tuesday, April 29
Compliance & Regulatory
In 2023 an Originator sued an RDFI and won. This case has been widely debated in the industry and is presently on appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and slated for oral argument soon. This session will review the original lawsuit, the arguments made on appeal and the potential changes to our industry arising from this lawsuit. This panel discussion will include industry experts who will discuss the legal, regulatory, operational and budgetary landscape pertaining to the rights and obligations of RDFIs and Beneficiary Banks since the Studco decision, and recent rule changes requiring RDFIs to implement systems to detect transactions initiated under 'False Pretenses.'