Spotlight Series: Building a Better Payments Journey
The world is changing rapidly and new payment choices and digital experiences mean new risks and rewards for customers. Join this diverse group of industry panelists to discuss the rapidly evolving world of payments as we dive head-first into the Era of Payments 2.0. Together we'll cover the core principles that guide our work, debate strategy, chat about the power of big data and discuss the hyper-important roles that Fis, rails, enablers and networks play in scaling mission-critical capabilities—all while maintaining seamless intuitive and safe experiences for consumers and merchants. With more data available than ever before, analyzing big data sets to glean deeper insights into B2C and B2B behavior is now possible and will inform the next chapters of payment innovation. We will examine the next generation of payment innovation that continues to expand today's digital payment tool options. Attendees will come away from this insightful session better prepared to conquer all things emerging payments.