The Cross-Border Payments Ecosystem: New Developments and Options
Global correspondent banks and networks have invested enormous amounts of money to connect domestic clearings across borders. The card networks are global serving use cases that are growing as the economics shift as well. Each network provides a set of unique features that solves different business requirements but none has the ability to provide ubiquity. Newcomers such as Partior and Visa B2B prove that there will be optionality in the years to come with respect to development in global intrabank infrastructure. While SWIFT is the established player in the marketplace, entrants such as Partior and Visa have a lot to bring to the table that can be beneficial to all—and there is opportunity to cohabitate. Speakers in this session dispel assumed challenges for new entrants into the market. Panelists will explain the importance of real-time visibility and transparency on a 24/7 platform.