Featured Sessions
While we're putting the final touches on the Smarter Faster Payments education program, take a look at these featured sessions you can look forward to in Miami. The full education program will be available soon.
Consumer Payments Fraud: Trends and Risk Management
This session will analyze a variety of fraud cases, including unauthorized transactions, fraudulent inducement, and friendly fraud. For each case, the speakers will cover how the fraud was identified, who is liable for the fraud under applicable law and network rules, opportunities for interbank recovery, and what steps can be taken to prevent or mitigate the fraud in the future. Join this session to stay up to date on the latest fraud trends impacting consumers and to learn how to mitigate the risks involved.
Spotlight Session: AI is Coming for Your Payments: The Growing Impact of ChatGPT
When ChatGPT was first released at the beginning of 2023, it took the world by storm, hitting 100 million users in just two months. Since then, it has created more buzz than nearly any previous technology innovation. In this session, our panel of industry experts will examine how natural language processing tools driven by AI technology work, their relevance in our lives, and how they will impact payments in the future. Artificial intelligence is already used in various aspects of the payment process, driving greater efficiency and security. Speakers break down how the evolution of this advanced technology will bring about the next wave of innovation.
Executive Series: In the Room Where it Happens: Where Cash Management Practices Are Headed and How We Got Here
Did you know Alexander Hamilton laid the groundwork for today’s modern banking system? And he didn’t utter a lick of hip-hop when he did it! Many of today’s young treasury professionals may not know just how far we’ve come. In this unconventional and highly-engaging session, Yahoo will share their best practices in digital treasury, using a sophisticated treasury workstation, and employing API technology to drive efficiency and support critical business growth objectives. Speakers examine the technology innovations that are on the horizon and how they hold the potential to transform the cash management function and elevate treasury’s importance. Attendees gain invaluable insights into the historical context of today’s innovations. We will present a timeline of milestone developments that have led to where we are at present, offering a spirited and entertaining journey from past, to present and beyond.
Payment Trends Roulette: Test your Knowledge of Industry Drivers
In this session, we’re bringing some much-needed fun to the challenge of keeping up with technology, consumer demands, innovation, and the competitive landscape. Join us for this interactive session, where panelists will explore the influence of industry trends on payments. The audience will have an opportunity to test their knowledge of payment convergence, cross-border initiatives, payment fraud, fintech partnerships, and the gig economy. Join in the fun!